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What place does plastic have in packaging?

Plastic in packaging is a widely discussed topic, and one frequent participant in these discussions is Katrin Molina-Besch, researcher in Packaging Logistics at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University.

– Published 18 February 2021

portrait of a woman. Photo.
Katrin Molina-Besch, researcher at Packaging Logistics, Design Sciences, Lund University. Photo: Erik Andersson.

Katrin Molina-Besch shares her knowledge of the field of plastics and packaging in the “2021 Plastic Report” from Orkla. Some of the issues discussed are:

What are the pros and cons of plastic as a packaging material? Why are some types of plastic recyclable and others not? What’s best, fossil-free or recycled plastic? How can we achieve a better recycling system?

Read the report and Katrin Molina-Besch’s answers to these questions (page 6-9):
Plastrapporten 2021 - Orkla, PDF 5,82 MB, external link, in Swedish

Do you want to know more about the packaging research?
Contact Katrin Molina-Besch,