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"Researcher's verdict: Get the plastic out of e-commerce" – article in Ehandel

More and more plastic is replaced by paper in retail - but is it more sustainable? In search of an answer, Ehandel asked Daniel Hellström and Katrin Molina-Besch, researchers in packaging logistics at Design Sciences, LTH.

– Published 15 April 2022

two hands holding a bag of bubble wrap. Photo.
How well the material protects its content affects the total environmental impact, says Daniel Hellström, senior lecturer in Packaging logistics at Design Sciences, LTH. Photo: Pexels

The short answer is "it depends". In the slightly longer answer, Daniel Hellström and Katrin Molina-Besch explain factors that influence sustainability – like product protection, manufacturing, emissions, transport and storage. 

Read the article in Swedish: Forskarnas dom: Ut med plasten ur e-handeln – välj detta istället – at, published 2022-04-15