What is the future for 3D printed food? – licentiate presentation November 9
3D printed food is a relatively new technology with many interesting applications – for example space food for astronauts, personal nutrition and food with futuristic shapes. But how and when does research on 3D printed food reach the wider market?
– Published 2 November 2022
LTH doctoral student Nanond Nopparat ponders the question in his licentiate thesis Business models for the 3D food printing industry in the subjects Innovation Technology and Product Development.
– My research explores how this new technology can be taken to the wider market. Of course, the technology itself plays an important role, but so does the choice of business model. My research examines how the combination of business model innovation and product innovation is a way to reach the market with this technology, says Nanond Nopparat.
You are welcome to join the licentiate seminar where Nanond Nopparat will present his thesis. The discussion is led by Andreas Larsson, BTH.
Date and place: November 9 at 10 a.m. in room 304 at IKDC, Sölvegatan 26 in Lund.