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Logistics Service Management

This programme is focused on how to apply service management to the logistics discipline.

What to expect from this programme

The education is interdisciplinary and combines subjects from service management with logistics based on a sustainable perspective.

Strategy and understanding of different needs

The Logistics Service Management programme teaches students the most effective management and organizational strategies and concepts to make a difference in the global marketplace. Students are also trained to understand the actual needs of the customer and translate them into the design and performance of the supply chain.

Real-life business situations

Company involvement is an important part of the programme, which is based on case studies and projects with companies in the region that will give the students rigorous training. This includes assignments, reports, presentations, and group projects – all designed to help them develop the confidence and proficiencies needed to find solutions in real-life business situations.

Transport, logistics and infrastructure

The programme also covers public organizations involved in the regulation and planning of transport, logistics and infrastructure service provision at the regional, national and international levels.

Links to external websites for more information

Bachelor's programme (in Swedish)

Master's programme


Bachelor's programme

Pernilla Derwik


Master's programme 

Yulia Vakulenko


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