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Research education

Information about doctoral studies at LTH and at Packaging logistics more specifically.

Through doctoral studies at LTH, students gain both broad and specialised knowledge within their field. In addition, opportunities are provided to work with project management and to develop teaching and leadership skills in a broad sense.

Packaging Logistics research integrates several theoretical fields of knowledge, to accomplish effective and sustainable use of resources throughout supply chains.

Research topics

Topics for doctoral research in Packaging Logistics include the interlinked areas of packaging, logistics and sustainable development and their integration with product, process and service innovations. Most of the doctoral projects at our department are carried out in close collaboration with related industry or public organisations.

Learning environment and future prospects

Since Packaging Logistics is a multidisciplinary research area, our PhD students have a high variety of educational backgrounds and professional experiences creating a highly stimulating learning environment.

After completion of doctoral studies in Packaging Logistics, it is equally common for our alumni to work in industry, for consultancy firms or stay on in academia.

Important links for doctoral studies in Packaging Logistics at LTH

Course syllabus for doctoral studies at Packaging Logistics in Swedish.

Research education courses at the Department of Design Sciences.

More information about PhD education at LTH in English and in Swedish.

Two people at a table with open laptops.

Research education

Find more information on doing a PhD and links to the research education courses offered at the department: 


Henrik Pålsson


Cilla Perlhagen


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